WASHINGTON – Congressman Vern Buchanan, Vice Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee and Chairman of the Health Subcommittee, announced today that he will be chairing a hearing on “Investing in a Healthier America” and the critical role preventive medicine and healthy living play in combatting chronic disease and the growing obesity epidemic. 

Witnesses Include:  

  • Sen. Bill Frist, former Senate Majority Leader and senior fellow and co-chair of its Future of Health Advisory Board at the Bipartisan Policy Center 
  • Dr. Mark Hyman, Chairman of Food Fix Campaign and 15x New York Times Best-Selling Author
  • Dr. Francesca Rinaldo, Chief Clinical Innovation Officer, Senior Care Action Network (SCAN) Health Plan
  • Dr. Anne Peters, Senior Scholar, USC Schaeffer Institute, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Scholar, Keck School of Medicine of USC


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                               CONTACT: 202-225-3625

September 11, 2024

No. HL-06

Chairman Smith and Health Subcommittee Chairman Buchanan

Announce Subcommittee Hearing on Investing in a Healthier America: Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment 

House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) and Health Subcommittee Chairman Vern Buchanan (FL-16) announced today that the Subcommittee on Health will hold a hearing to examine the prevalence of chronic disease in America and the value of investing in prevention and innovative treatment options. The hearing will take place on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 2:00 PM in 1100 Longworth House Office Building.  

Members of the public may view the hearing via live webcast available at https://waysandmeans.house.gov.  The webcast will not be available until the hearing starts.

In view of the limited time available to hear the witnesses, oral testimony at this hearing will be from invited witnesses only.  However, any individual or organization not scheduled for an oral appearance may submit a written statement for consideration by the Committee and for inclusion in the printed record of the hearing.



Please Note:  Any person(s) and/or organization(s) wishing to submit written comments for the hearing record can do so here: WMSubmission@mail.house.gov.   

Please ATTACH your submission as a Microsoft Word document in compliance with the formatting requirements listed below, by the close of business on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.  For questions, or if you encounter technical problems, please call (202) 225-3625.



The Committee relies on electronic submissions for printing the official hearing record.  As always, submissions will be included in the record according to the discretion of the Committee.  The Committee will not alter the content of your submission but reserves the right to format it according to guidelines.  Any submission provided to the Committee by a witness, any materials submitted for the printed record, and any written comments in response to a request for written comments must conform to the guidelines listed below.  Any submission not in compliance with these guidelines will not be printed but will be maintained in the Committee files for review and use by the Committee.

All submissions and supplementary materials must be submitted in a single document via email, provided in Word format and must not exceed a total of 10 pages. Please indicate the title of the hearing as the subject line in your submission.  Witnesses and submitters are advised that the Committee relies on electronic submissions for printing the official hearing record.

All submissions must include a list of all clients, persons and/or organizations on whose behalf the witness appears.  The name, company, address, telephone, and fax numbers of each witness must be included in the body of the email.  Please exclude any personal identifiable information in the attached submission.

Failure to follow the formatting requirements may result in the exclusion of a submission.  All submissions for the record are final.


The Committee seeks to make its facilities accessible to persons with disabilities.  If you require accommodations, please call 202-225-3625 or request via email to WMSubmission@mail.house.gov in advance of the event (four business days’ notice is requested).  Questions regarding accommodation needs in general (including availability of Committee materials in alternative formats) may be directed to the Committee as noted above.

Note:  All Committee advisories and news releases are available on the Committee website at http://www.waysandmeans.house.gov/.

