WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Vern Buchanan introduced the Protecting Our Communities from Sexual Predators Act to ensure illegal immigrants convicted of sexual assault are deported and permanently banned from the United States. Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) joined as original cosponsors.

“Illegal aliens who sexually assault and rape American citizens have absolutely no place in our society,” said Congressman Buchanan. “Shockingly, illegal immigrants who commit sexual assault are not immediately deportable, which is why we need to pass this commonsense legislation to keep these deranged and dangerous predators out of our country and help protect our communities.”

Specifically, this legislation would:

  1. Require the U.S. detain any illegal alien who is charged or convicted of sexual assault.
  2. Ensure that any illegal alien convicted of sexual assault is immediately deportable.
  3. Permanently prohibit any illegal alien convicted of sexual assault from reentry into the country.

“Biden’s open borders have not only made a mockery of our laws, but also tragic victims of so many innocent Americans. In every region of this country, illegal migrant criminals – including sexually violent predators – have inflicted unimaginable suffering and it’s time to fight back,” said Congressman Issa.  “The Protecting our Communities from Sexual Predators Act is a real solution that will detain, remove, and prevent future entry of illegal migrants who commit sexual crimes. I’m proud to join my colleagues Rep. Buchanan and Rep. Donalds in authoring this bill, working towards its passage, and ensuring our people are never victimized again.”

Last month, an illegal alien by the name of Santo Felix Cruz-Ramos was arrested in Buchanan’s backyard of Englewood, Florida, for raping a woman in a hotel room. In January of this year, another illegal alien named Pierre Lucard Emile was arrested by ICE for raping a developmentally disabled person in Boston, Massachusetts. Emile had been initially arrested and charged for this rape by Boston police in September of last year before being released back into the community due to Boston's sanctuary city status.

“Just days ago, a member of our Southwest Florida community was sexually assaulted by an illegal alien. Americans throughout all corners of our nation are bearing the perilous consequences of Joe Biden’s open border crime wave,” said Congressman Donalds. “I stand with Rep. Buchanan to ensure that all illegal aliens who have been convicted of sexual assault are deemed immediately deportable. These shocking and completely avoidable crimes must come to an end.”

Since President Joe Biden took office, there have been 8.7 million illegal crossings nationwide and over 7.2 million illegal crossings of our Southern Border. There are also an estimated 1.8 million known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol – roaming undetected in the United States.

This legislation has been endorsed by NumbersUSA.

Buchanan has also introduced the Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act, which prohibits gang members from entering the U.S. and allows them to be deported if they are already here. The legislation also disqualifies these dangerous individuals from receiving asylum or temporary protected status.

Buchanan, a national leader in the fight to protect exploited children and women, also introduced the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Prevention Training Act, which would create a grant program within the Office of Trafficking in Persons under the Department of Health and Human Services to provide training for students, teachers and other school personnel on the warning signs of human trafficking.