WASHINGTON, D.C. – Healthy Future Task Force co-chairs, Congressman Vern Buchanan (FL-16) and Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), and the Modernization Subcommittee announced the Task Force’s solutions to harness technological innovations to improve Americans’ lives and save taxpayer dollars.

The co-chairs and the Modernization Subcommittee Chairwoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (IA-02), Subcommittee Member Morgan Griffith (VA-09), and Subcommittee Member Mike Kelly (PA-16) released proposals to expand access to innovative health care technologies, like telehealth, and utilize cutting-edge software to reduce waste, fraud and abuse in our health care system.

“Instead of a government-run, socialized system that would destroy medical innovation, we need to modernize and personalize health care in America to improve people's lives and lower their costs. We commend Representatives Miller-Meeks, Griffith, and Kelly for their work with us on the Healthy Future Task Force to put forward solutions to advance telehealth and expand access to patient-centered technologies. These solutions also aim to improve our nation’s fiscal health by cracking down on taxpayer dollars wasted on improper payments in government health care programs. These proposals to modernize our health care system build upon the Healthy Future Task Force’s work to better serve all patients and help them live healthier and longer lives,” said Buchanan and Guthrie.  

Overview of solutions:

  • Safeguard and maintain expanded telehealth access after the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration expires
  • Crack down on waste, fraud and abuse by incentivizing states to go after improper payments and utilizing state-of-the-art technology
  • Expand access to innovative, patient-centered technologies to improve patients’ well-being 

Click HERE for a more detailed one pager.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy created the 17-member Healthy Future Task Force to develop solutions to modernize the American health care system to lower costs, keep Americans healthy, develop better therapies and cures, and provide Americans with more choices. The Modernization Subcommittee is one of five subcommittees part of The Healthy Future Task Force, which also includes the Treatment Subcommittee, Security Subcommittee, Affordability Subcommittee and Doctor/Patient Relationship Subcommittee.

Click HERE to view the Treatment Subcommittee solutions.

Click HERE to view the Security Subcommittee solutions. 
